| | $10.00 | A trip down sloppy, smelly memory lane to where my mudding began. At the back of our row of houses, the gardens sloped down to a steep wooded brook, bordered on the other side by a public footpath. Along the years, I'd found perfect little mudpits, m...
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| | $10.00 | Every awesome mudding has a pre-mudding, right? A trial run. Testing the waters... or rather, the mud. This is never-before-seen prequel to my blockbuster muddy video "Woody Mud."
It was earlier in the season, chillier and wetter. I nearly didn't d...
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| Woody Mud
Added 11/30/99 5000 views |
 Love you, too
| 53 |
| $30.00 1 review! | I'd had a tip-off. Chatting to a fellow mud-lover on a now long-since deleted website, he told me about an unusually deep mud pool within a forest that I'd cycled to several times before. But it was a long ride. Before now, I'd only dunked myself in...
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